Sunday, July 29, 2018

Flying Over Fire

I spent the last week in Oregon with my brothers.  Along the coast, the weather was quite cool, not getting much above 60, and that was where we spent most of our time.  Hiking, cooking, relaxing, talking.  Inland the weather was quite warm, but as is characteristic in the area, the nights cool off beautifully almost the instant that the sun is beneath the horizon.  Each day was special and carried with it, some great memories.

I decided to fly up and back, even though I love to drive, and relatively speaking, the drive between the Bay area and the Portland area is not far.  During the flight up, as I often do, I took some photos out the window of the plane, playing with the shapes below.  It was early in the day, and the light was pleasant.  There were some pictures I liked from this flight, and may post process them at some point.

Of all the photos I took on the trip, the one I included here is far from the best.  I took it during my flight back.  I was positioned in a seat right on top of the wing, so angling to take the photos, especially as I have to angle my head so that the reading portion of my bifocals is on the viewfinder, was difficult.

The subject, too, is difficult.  This picture is from above the fires that are right now inflicting serious damage on northern California.  As our plane approached the fires, turbulence from the rising heat shook us.  I've seen photos from on the ground of the Carr fire in the Redding area, posted by a friend who lives in the area, and they give some idea of the power that feeds this plume of smoke.

We each go through our lives, day to day, and most of the days are unremarkable.  Day to day aggravations can find undue weight.  I had some work issues that invaded on my vacation time, and I found focusing unduly on the attendant frustrations.

But in an instant, things can change in big way.  My heart goes out to those who wake up this morning, facing hard challenges.

Today, I am keeping perspective.

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